PCC Overview
What does the PCC do?:
- Independent body, which deals with complaints about editorial content of magazines/newspapers and their websites
- 16 clause Code of Practice which editors and journalists must obey
- They investigate complaints from people directly affected
- Tries to help editor and complainant to find resolution to their disagreement (e.g. apology, public correction, clarification)
- If case isn't resolved simply, PCC assesses evidence in an adjudication, deciding whether to uphold or reject the complaint
How does the system work?:
- Not legal or government run, rather a voluntary agreement between editors
- 16 clause Code of Practice devised by editors
- Commission run by majority public ('lay') members (10/17 including chairman) - No members are connected to the industry
What does the Code of Practice cover?:
- 4 main areas: accuracy, privacy, news gathering and protecting the vulnerable
- Editor expected to take responsibility for stories/photographs in their publication and comply with the code
- 'Public interest' a mitigating factor
- Doesn't cover issues of taste/decency as in accordance with free press publications should be free to choose style
- Understands individuals choose to look at a newspaper and can make their own decisions
- More public mediums (e.g. billboards) may be ruled inappropriate on taste
How are they funded?:
- Funded by 'Press Standards Board of Finance' (PressBof) who receive money from newspapers/magazines in UK
- Newspapers pay in proportion to no. of readers in circulation - big publications pay more than small ones
- No funding from government or public
History of the PCC?:
- Set up in 1991, replacing Press Council set up in 1953
- In 1980s, a small number of publications failed to observe the basic ethics of journalism leading to MPs loss of confidence in the Press Council
- PCC set up to show that "non-statutory regulation can work effectively"
Who complains to the PCC and why?:
- People who believe an article involving them breaches the Code
- In 2007, 1.5% of complaints came from celebrities, 95.8% from the general public
- Special protection to vulnerable groups such as children, hospital patients or minority groups.
- Majority of complaints about smaller regional newspapers
Why is the PCC important?:
- Free press is vital in a democratic society
- The PCC works democratically as it is impartial and voluntary
- Fast (deals with complaints in average of 35 days), and costs nothing to use
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